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Our Mission
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Our Values
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We long for every member of our church family to follow Jesus in humble discipleship: living holy and prayerful lives to the glory of God.

Matthew 16:24-26

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We desire that every member, in both heart and mind, be driven to share the gospel and make disciples.

2 Corinthians 5:14-20

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We uphold the Word of God as the ultimate authority in life and doctrine, for it is God’s means of saving and transforming lives.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

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We strive to be a loving church family for all people, of all ages and all cultures, united in Christ and looking forward to heaven together.

Revelation 7:9-10

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We seek to equip and empower every member to serve Jesus with the gifts He has given them.

Ephesians 4:11-16

  • What can I expect during a service?
    At a typical service, we’ll sing some songs, read a part of the bible, and then one of the Ministers will preach and share some reflections on what God is telling us from the passage for about 30 minutes or so. All up, our gatherings go for about 60-90 minutes. Watch some of our previous services here. ​ At our 10:15am service, we have a kids talk, creche (under 4yrs) and Kids Church for primary school-aged children. The kid's program is run by a team of dedicated and trained leaders. You can find out more about the Kids Church and creche here. ​ Following each service, stay around to join in conversations over tea and coffee or supper. ​ We also have a service for the Deaf community in AUSLAN. You can find out more here.
  • When and how long is the service?
    We hold two services each Sunday at 10:15am and 5pm. The service usually goes for 1.5 hours. Everyone is welcome to stay for conversation over morning tea and supper after the service in the church hall.
  • What is the difference between the morning and evening services?
    The morning and evening services are very similar with the same sermon repeated. ​ The morning service includes a children's talk about 15 minutes into the service. The children then leave to head out to Kids Church (Sunday School) in the church hall or crèche (for infants up to 4 year olds). The music for the morning service includes some hymns accompanied by the organ, and some contemporary songs accompanied by a band. ​ The evening service includes a mixture of traditional and contemporary songs accompanied by a band.
  • How do people usually dress at church?
    People tend to dress casually at our services, so please come in whatever is comfortable for you.
  • Do I need to give any money?
    No. Please remain our guest - there is no expectation that attenders give money. ​ If you are a Christian and would like to support the work of the gospel at our church and around the world, you can find about giving at our church here. ​ At Christmas and Easter, and a few other special services, we may have an offering for a particular charity or ministry organisation, with all funds raised being given to that organisation. This will always be announced in that service.
  • Where do children fit in at St Stephen's?
    We encourage children of all ages to come along to our Sunday morning or evening service. We're keen for children to not only learn about God, but to learn to worship Him, so we rejoice to see children in church. ​ On Sunday mornings we run a Kids Church and creche. All children start in the church with their parents/guardians. About 15 minutes into the service there is a children's talk where all children are invited to come down to the front of the church. After that, the children head out to the Hall for Kids Church and for crèche. Kids Church and creche end at the same time as the service. ​ Crèche is for infants to 4 year olds, and involves singing, games, craft and story around a theme from the Bible for that week, as well as free play. Parents are required to sign in their child, and are then welcome to return to the service. ​ To care for parents with infant children, we also have a quiet area to use near the hall with a video link into the service. This area has couches and changing facilities. ​ We take the safety of your children seriously. You can learn more about our Safe Church policy here.
  • Where should I park?
    We have two on-site car parks off Warrigal Road and Canterbury Road, including designated disabled parking. These can fill up quickly so we would recommend arriving a little early to give yourself time to find a spot. Parking on Warrigal Road and Russell Street are unrestricted on Sundays.
We are Evangelical, Reformed and Presbyterian
Our Beliefs


1 Staff. John Huynh.jpg

John Huynh

Senior Minister
3 Staff. Michelle Gerungan.jpg

Michelle Gerungan

Women's Ministry Worker
2 Staff. Oli Blythe.jpg

Oli Blythe

Associate Minister

Ian Jones

Children's Ministry Worker
Ministry Team



Aditya Kuthalam

Student Minister
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Jake Martin

Student Minister
Paul Jung.jpg

Paul Jung

Student Minister
Jordan O'Hara.jpg

Jordan O'Hara

Student Minister
Student Ministers


St Stephen's Presbyterian Church is led by a team of elders who work together with the ministers on shepherding Christ's flock as Christ's under-shepherds, upholding and teaching God's Word, and setting the vision of our church.

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